I remember the old times, when you jumped in the car, went places, and afterward were rewarded for your compliance. It was a simpler time, when life was more about he acquisition and deployment of stickers.
I really don't get it anymore. I mean, these kids have the internet, and yet they still seem to be pretty dead-set on a sticker-based reward system. It can't just be the brightly colored image - I mean, those are everywhere. My YouTube has 1080p. I don't know what that means precisely, but the image is damn good. So I'm left to conclude that the appeal of stickers must be in the overall stickiness - which is possible, as this is one of the prominent textures in pediatrics.
Anyway, as in all childrens' doctors' offices, we have rubbermaid baskets of stickers to choose from. In the processes of 'helping a child pick a sticker' (which is a mixture of building rapport and policing the process to make sure the kid doesn't just take 30) you often get asked certain questions, usually of the form, "Who's this?" I still know some of the characters - an Elmo is still an Elmo. But I'm pretty sure we have some unsanctioned stickers with nameless characters meant to look like they're from a Disney film that the child hasn't seen yet. I'm pretty sure that's what this guy was, but then again, I do watch way less Cartoon Network than I used to...

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